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Automate payroll administration

Registering hours is one thing, actually arriving at payroll is two. Complete payroll administration can also be fully automated. At It's Us, we have built up a lot of expertise in this over the years. We even do it for companies with a complex collective labour agreement structure or companies working with variable contracts and irregular bonuses.

Every month, the financial payroll journal entry has to be created in the accounts. These entries and corresponding pay slips can be generated automatically within the payroll module in Exact with a one-off configuration literally in a few clicks, or delivered as an import from an external payroll package. In the latter case, the payroll entry is automatically read in. 

Different flavours
‘Companies working with a standard contract payroll can extract that from Exact fairly easily,’ says Frank Hugtenburg, Account Manager at It's Us. ‘The hours spent are tracked in Exact Synergy to link the right wage components to this in Exact Globe+ to arrive at a payroll. The challenge lies mainly with companies working with zero-hours and variable contracts or irregularity bonuses. 
And that is precisely where our expertise lies.’It's Us offers a number of flavours when it comes to compensation: through customisation in Exact Globe+, via Exact Salary Plus (a collaboration with Loket Software, ed.) or via a link to our own integration platform Coretix. ‘It is even possible to outsource the entire payroll to It's Us, for which we collaborate with Het Loonloket. In principle, we do this for all companies, but experience shows that companies with a more complex payroll structure in particular use this.’

Coretix integration platform
According to Frank, the most time-consuming aspects of payroll administration include implementing changes and transferring production hours in third-party software to the payroll administration in Exact: ‘We solve this using our integration platform Coretix. The platform is ISO 27001 certified and therefore fully compliant and secure. Moreover, we carry out periodic audits and only work with partners who have the same values and standards.’ Companies that are already more automated can feel free to place some of the responsibility with employees as well. ‘Through the Exact Synergy app, for example, employees can make changes themselves, such as a change of address or leave registration. With automation, the risk of error is brought to absolute zero, efficiency improves significantly and you can even save on FTEs, as we have already proven with several customers,’ says Frank.

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